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cvigoe · 2023-09-28T23:53:03.351290+00:00
“ Usually the addition of a successfully integrated component to a system reduces, not induces, demand for more of the same.” Friendly reminder to stop, drop, and appreciate Braess’s paradox (I know the article is discussing a very different kind of system, but Braess’s paradox is my favourite example of how adding to a system can have surprising consequences)
oisin · 2023-09-29T09:30:55.299743+00:00
Ah yes, the “just one more lane bro” trap! That rhymes a bit with Jevon's paradox (e.g. more efficient use of coal lead to use of more coal overall). The one you mentioned doesn't seem to be in the list you linked btw.
cvigoe · 2023-09-29T19:39:27.378144+00:00
I actually think that the "one more lane bro" trap is meaningfully different from Braess's paradox, though they are very related. Braess's paradox is about how changing the connectivity of a traffic network by adding new edges can seriously affect the equilibrium of flows, even if the overall demand stays constant throughout the network, and even if the new edges seem like they would be helpful. The "just one more lane bro" trap, as far as I know, is not so much about changing the connectivity or structure of the underlying network, but more about how adding additional capacity to an existing path can sometimes induce more demand and so only serves as a short-term solution. Both interesting problems!
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