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cvigoe · 2025-01-11T22:48:23.496499+00:00
Since this is paywalled:

"Some examples and some hope

Some concrete illustrations may be helpful. A building that fits the general trend of these results is the Disney Headquarters Building in Burbank, CA, a Michael Graves design. The architects themselves gave it a very low rating (2.44 on the 1 to 10 scale), and predicted that laypersons would not be very pleased, either (2.44). However, the public liked the building very much (7.26). In contrast, a building the architects thought people would like (Stockley Park in London, by Foster Associates), with a predicted liking of 6.28, was among the buildings least liked by the public (4.74). If all the predictions showed this pattern, the outlook would be very

Fortunately, across all 42 buildings there were exceptions, which might
profitably be studied. For example, the architects predicted that the public
would not be excited by the Chicago Bar Association Building in Chicago, by Tigerman and McCurry (predicted rating 4.16), and they were correct; the public’s rating was 4.56. Incidentally, the architect’s own rating of this building was also low (2.44), so the two groups agreed that this is not a
pleasing building. Furthermore, the architects predicted that the public would like the Bank of China Tower in Hong Kong, by I. M. Pei and Partners (predicted rating 6.24), and they were correct (actual
rating 7.67). The architects’ own rating of the tower was 7.33, so all were agreed that the tower is a very pleasing building."
cvigoe · 2025-01-11T22:48:45.605970+00:00
"Two thirds of British adults say they would never even consider buying a newly-built home and only 21% say a new home is their preferred option. This is an astonishing fact that would probably not be replicated in any other ‘market’ in the UK outside the world of antiques. When you consider that new homes should be better, more sustainable, lighter, cheaper to run, this failure of most modern ‘place-making’ is profound and systemic."

oisin · 2025-01-12T17:46:33.100093+00:00
Excellent, excellent link!
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